Protect the planet, even from your hotel

Reduce waste

Title picture by ejaugsburg via Pixabay

Tourism and hotels in particular, unfortunately, have a bad reputation for being big sources of waste. This can be explained in part by certain standard practices at hotels that are not good for the environment. But how can we strike a balance between the ecology and quality service?

Main tenant une boule en verre reflétant des arbres, à l'image de la planète

Photo by Oleg Magni via Pexels

There are now a great many tourist establishments that are adopting an Eco-responsible approach.  What is more, labels are leading the field: the international Green Globe and Clef Verte reward sustainable tourism, as does the European Ecolabel. But it’s not really necessary to boast a label like this in order to improve resource management and help the environment!

what changes can we make?

Limiting your environmental impact is possible by stopping the use of toxic products when doing the laundry, employing renewable sources of energy like photovoltaic power or selecting food products with greater care, focusing on local organic produce. More often than not, far from damaging the hotel’s reputation, these approaches reflect their commitment and hard work, demonstrating also their desire to keep improving whilst still protecting the planet.

small actions can make a big impact

Changing the image of a hotel is also about small actions. Even though your holidays might be a truly exceptional break, that shouldn’t mean they are not also Eco-responsible...Simple actions, such as reusing a towel several times during your break, can have a great impact. After all, that’s what we do at home isn’t it? Why be more wasteful at a hotel? Certain hotels make their clients aware of this with little signs, asking them to consider their use of water and electricity during their stay.

Serviettes et échantillons de toilette dans un hôtel

Photo par Shopify Partners via Burst

become an "active consumer"

This may be a fashionable concept but that doesn’t make it any less relevant. The eco-friendly approach affects the client first and foremost. It’s therefore normal to put them at the heart of this process. The hotel can suggest new actions that help the environment but the guest has to play the game. Often far too attached to the “classic” image of a hotel, where everything is at your fingertips, it can be hard to change our habits.

reusing towels

This transition can be made easier, however, with proper explanations. When it comes to towels, reusing them several times during a stay allows hotels to save water and electricity as there are fewer machine washes required. The amount of detergent needed will also drop, preventing further pollution to local waterways. We ought to be made aware of the impact that these small actions can have on the environment.

Une pousse de plante au milieu d'un tas de pièce d'argent

Photo par Mizianitka via Pixabay

since the very beginnings of this concept, nomad hotels have understood and gone even further!

At NOMAD Hotels, isn’t it great to make those little savings whenever you stay for a few nights?
After all, you don’t change your sheets and towels every day at home, do you? 
And what about having the room cleaned? Why not leave this until the end of your stay?

NOMAD Hotels is committed to helping the environment and relies on basic common sense when setting out its day-to-day practices and, what’s more, helping you to save money! Yes, that’s right and it makes perfect sense: you’re saving the planet’s resources and allowing us to make savings, so we can do the same for you! We think it’s important that you still have the freedom to choose, so nothing is compulsory, although it’s worth noting that if you join us in our Eco-responsible approach you won’t be disappointed!



No cleaning: how about doing without having your room cleaned during your stay?



Are clean sheets every day of your stay really necessary?



Are clean towels every day of your stay really necessary?



When you arrive late to a hotel you often feel like doing just one thing... sleeping! Select the No-TV NOMAD option!



Why not limit your water use at the hotel, just like at home?



If you tend to switch off the air conditioning as soon as you step into a hotel room, this option is perfect for you!


Since the end of 2014 and the opening of the 1st NOMAD Hotel, thousands of clients have adopted this eco-responsible approach during their stay #EnmodeNomad !

A small step for our guests, a giant leap for the environment!